In 2020, Léo Malet, Alisée Pierrot and Chiara Pellas founded Mollow, an association promoting sustainable travel and disseminating tools to facilitate ecological practices. Convinced that travel can be more ethical, they created a community platform to inspire and facilitate low-carbon trips. At Mollow, the team, composed of engineering and business school graduates, puts its skills at the service of the cause: reinventing our travel imaginations for a more sustainable world.
Why Mollow?
Because it’s time to take it easy in a world facing major environmental challenges! 65% of French people are looking for ecological alternatives for their travels, and tourism represents 11% of greenhouse gas emissions in France. Up to 100 times less polluting, trains are the ideal transport mean, but struggle to gain traction. Mollow remove time, price and organization barriers to offer an attractive alternative for all travelers concerned about the future of our planet.
Thank you for this great idea!