Led by IFPEB, Claire Chabrol, Head of Low Carbon Architecture Business Unit within A4MT, Construction 21, Dominique Boré, Honorary President of the Maison de l’Architecture Ile-de-France and member of the Academy of Architecture, Pierre Darmet, Vice President of CIBI, and Laetitia George, founder of Contrast-e, the Unisson(s) movement brings together stakeholders in construction, development, and landscaping to explore solutions and ideas for low carbon and living architecture.
In addition to awareness-raising events and design thinking activities organized throughout the territories, Unisson(s) and Le Moniteur Editions offer a book that brings together an analysis of the RE2020 environmental regulations and numerous levers for low carbon and living design.
While its official release date is October 4, 2023, the book will be available for exclusive pre-sale starting this Friday, September 22, at SIBCA – the Low Carbon Real Estate Fair, in the Eiffel Room as part of the “Together to combine adaptation and attenuation” conference. Those eager to get their hands on a copy can also pre-order it now on the Le Moniteur website!