Le 13.05.20
Confined to Brussels, Maud Caubet answered Architecture d’Aujourd’hui questions
At a time when France is gradually leaving lockdown, every structure is reorganising themselves, mixing remote and presential work when they can, each one seeking its new rhythm. A good timing to take the time and read the interview given by Maud Caubet to Architecture d’Aujourd’hui magazine for its Confiné.e.s series.
Views on the world of tomorrow, architectural practices in the current particular context and the months to come’s one, new ways of working, new ways of thinking. AA Architecture d’Aujourd’hui magazine gives architects a voice by questioning their vision of the situation but also their cultural recommendations.
Between softness, humility and societal ambition, discover the interview of Maud Caubet for the series Confiné.e.s of AA Architecture d’Aujourd’hui magazine.