Le 20.04.20
Enlist as a volunteer for oneself and for others
“There is a before Covid-19 and there will be an after Covid-19. And this post-Covid-19 will be different in the way we understand relationships, our working approach, our way of going for the essential and of volunteering. As for me, something is fundamentally changing”.
In March 2020, the website benevolat.fr was launched to centralise volunteering missions for all the associations that need support in this period of health risks and quarantine. As a complement to Réserve Civique digital platform, benevolat.fr is a response to this solidarity surge, this desire to help that many feels and who would like to get involved even if they aren’t healthcare professionals.
Philippe Moracchini, the collective’s spokesperson and CEO of Passerelles et Compétences, explains the major issues and challenges volunteering is facing today.