Le 29.03.21
Hotels: a reassuring stability suggesting a post-vaccination recovery
In February, the French hotel industry once again confirmed its status as European leader, largely outperforming its neighbours with an occupancy rate of 34%. The stability of the hotel sector and the French people’s desire to travel mean that there is still hope for a recovery in the medium term despite the current tensions.
“Although the level of activity in the hotel sector is still very low, it is comforting to see that the indicators are not decreasing. Even more encouraging is the fact that the stock market, which normally predicts trends over a 12 to 18 month horizon, has been very dynamic in the hotel segment for the past few months,” says Vianney Lautrous.
Find the detailed results of the EXTENDAM Barometer as of the 16th of March 2021, in partnership with Business Immo.