Unveiled last May by the government, the impact.gouv platform allows companies to play the game of transparency by publishing their environmental, social and good governance (ESG) data.
Caroline Neyron, Managing Director of Mouvement Impact France, deplores the lack of clarity and precise objectives of this tool.
For her, the first problem lies in the use of the word “impact” which relates to a high level of commitment from companies, while this tool does not have the criteria of impact. Indeed, it allows to reveal the commitments in terms of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which are consistent simply to reduce the negative effects of a company’s activity. Fuzzy notions that require in-depth work in order to offer a better understanding to avoid green and social washing.
Furthermore, the optional nature of this platform makes it insufficient. A mandatory tool, in which, for each indicator, an objective and a deadline are set and a score given, is essential for the ecological and social transition of companies.