A well-known figure in the regional economic world, Julie Carcassonne will bring her expertise, knowledge of the territory, and unwavering entrepreneurial commitment to REDMAN. Julie Carcassonne’s mission is to lead the development of REDMAN Méditerranée. Her unconventional career path and strong personality will be major assets in addressing the numerous challenges of ecological and social transition.
“Julie’s arrival at Redman Méditerranée was a natural choice. An unconventional player like Redman could only be matched by a strong personality with an equally unconventional background! We place our full trust in her professionalism, knowledge of the region and its stakeholders to uphold the group’s values and commitments. This is a new breath of fresh air with very exciting development prospects!” Matthias Navarro and Nicolas Ponson, co-founders of the REDMAN group.
Learn more Julie Carcassonne’s profile and career on Business Immo