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Le 12.11.20
“This year, we will invest as much as in 2019”
Jean-Marc Palhon the Chairman of EXTENDAM was recently interviewed by Jean-Denis Errard on the state of hotel investment market. Despite a stressful economic climate, he explains the resilience of the invesment ground of the management company (low budget and mid-range hotels for corporate clients) and the relevance of its strategy consisting in acquiring walls and business assets.
His advice: “beware of the magnifying glass effect and take a step back”. EXTENDAM will indeed be able to capture the interesting entry points into this buoyant long-term market over the coming months. “This year we will invest as much as in 2019, but with an additional requirement to remunerate the uncertainty”.
Find the complete article in the current issue of Gestion de Fortune.
Le 10.11.20
[BONI.D] Les Ateliers Chutes Libres reuse wood offcuts and pass on a fine know-how

Salvaged from exhibitions, events and carpentry workshops in Ile-de-France, wood offcuts collected by Les Ateliers Chutes Libres were meant to destruction. They will finally be used in open-to-all  workshops where participants can learn to build their own furniture and items.

These workshops aim at avoiding waste and CO2 emissions but also pass on real know-how for being able to take care of, create or repair numerous items fully by oneself. Congratulations to Les Ateliers Chutes Libres for this great idea!

Le 05.11.20
La Fabrique du Tourisme : what will tourism look like tomorrow ?
Did you know it? Created during the lock-down of March 2020, from a joint reflection of Bpifrance, MKG Consulting and EXTENDAM, La Fabrique du Tourisme took its first steps on last October 13th.
“In the future, it will not be necessary to do better with less, but to do differently”. This is its organizers’ belief. Therefore, it seemed essential to unite and share ideas on tomorrow tourism while facing with current and future changes that will shape the sector in the years to come.  The objective: to ensure a proactivity in the sector’s models transition thanks to a collective intelligence.
As an operational think tank bringing together professionals from the hotel and catering industry, ecologists, economists, sociologists, philosophers and students from the sector’s top schools, La Fabrique du Tourisme has thus set itself the task of identifying new trends and expectations in tourism; determining innovative value creation leverage; developing economic intelligence between tourism players; detecting and analyzing new accommodation models and, more generally, working to the attractiveness and influence of French tourism.
The first working session was held on the priority theme of sustainable tourism covering all environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. The second session will take place in January 2021 on the digital technology theme.