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Le 06.05.20
[BONI.D] How to consume: what if we regain control?

Have you ever imagined being able to choose the products on offer in your local shop or supermarket? Knowing everything about prices and where the money goes? Taking part in its operation and even being its co-owner? All this is possible with the participative and collaborative supermarkets that are spreading out in France.

While the concept is not new, it is making a strong comeback and taking on even more meaning in tomorrow’s world, which we hope will be more local.


Let’s discover La Louve. Following the model of the Park Slope Food Coop developed in Brooklyn since 1973, La Louve in Paris is the precursor of this type of business in France. Since 2017, more than forty initiatives of this kind have been growing in France. Their main principles: a non-profit cooperative status, capital belonging to the users of the business only (the purchase of shares is essential to access it) and participation (the owners each give 3 hours of their month to the structure).


Do you like the idea ? Go and find the cooperative and participative supermarket closest to you.

Le 30.04.20
New arrivals and evolutions at EXTENDAM

Europe’s leaders in business hotel industry’s private equity firm is taking great care in the composition of its team. Since January 2020, two new profiles have joined EXTENDAM: Cécile Leclerc, Investment Manager and Mélanie Pauchard, Communication and Marketing Manager. Two great evolutions are also to be noted: Jaafar Guessous joins the management of EXTENDAM while Maxime Durand moves to the position of Investment Manager.


Le 29.04.20
What are the scenarii for the recovery of the hotel industry? 

With a return to normality planned for 2022-2023, what are the possible scenarii for the recovery? On Friday 17 April, Jean-Marc Palhon, Chariman of EXTENDAM, Matthieu de Lauzon, Managing Partner of EXTENDAM and Olivier Petit, Hospitality and Tourism Expert at In Extenso Tourism Culture & Hotels, shared their analysis of the situation and the evolution of the sector over the coming months and semesters.


Read the complete report of the conference in the Club Patrimoine newsletter of April 20th, 2020.