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Le 26.09.19
[BONI.D] Tom & Josette


[BONI.D] Every month, we make you discover a project to follow closely because it is always pleasant to discover new ideas! Today, we are talking about Tom & Josette, a network of micronurseries… and retirement homes! This intergenerational solidarity project is developed by Pauline Faivre, Astrid Parmentier and Isabelle Pélissié-du-Rausas, three young women entrepreneurs who see it as the ideal solution to overcome the lack of nurseries and the solitude of our elders ! 

Le 26.08.19
Changemakers Times #3

Understanding the future of consulting business with Arnaud Marcilly and Jean-Baptiste Chetti.

“We stand for a digital growth. The digital world changes the way we anticipate the future and how we consider the present.”

Arnaud and Jean-Baptiste present the Business Shift Consulting and the role of digital innovation in the transformation of this field, decisive for companies.

Read the interview

Le 17.07.19
Hospitality and Social & Environmental Responsibility: The Key Role of Investors

Find in Forbes the op-ed of Jean-Marc Palhon, President of Extendam, on the role to play by investors in the social and environmental responsibility of the hotel industry.

“[…] The hotel industry is more and more invested in social and environmental concrete approaches.  Sustainable development is indeed more and more important in the strategies of hospitality companies, at different stages of development. In the face of current challenges, we all have a shared responsibility and commitment to take in the acceleration of the movement.We, investors, have a key role. ”

Check for the op-ed