Taking part to the Universités d’Ete de l’Economie de Demain in Lyon on November 29, Gregory Doucet, Mayor of Lyon, and Flora Vidal, co-founder of Weavers, answered the question: “How to answer a social justice issue while remaining sober for an economic player?”
For the Mayor of Lyon: “Sobriety provides a remarkable opportunity, since it legitimizes short circuits, circular economy and re-employment. It is not just a question of carrying out a shift effort in a fair way but also a question of generalizing innovative approaches by local companies, of great ecological and social interest”.
For Flora Vidal: “Wealth and resources’ distribution are the central topic of a sober economy.… We do not all consume in the same way and we do not contribute in the same proportions to the environment collapse. A fair sobriety would tackle overconsumption and unnecessary uses that do not benefit everyone equally”.