Author: lgi

[BONI.D] Want to help makes life easier for those who want to get involved!

While she wants to get involved, Anaïs Abchar realizes that finding an organization corresponding to her convictions, her availability and her home took time and energy. A long, time-consuming and daunting process.


Indeed, while three out of five people want to get involved in an association, a third declare that they cannot find one that meet these different criteria.


Therefore she created Want to help, a platform offering the inventory of associations and documentation classified by theme. Its objective: to develop associative commitment and allow everyone to be able to translate their desire to help through concrete actions in the field.


Learn more about Want to help


Les Sheds de Pantin, a place designed by Maud Caubet Architectes, where art and early childhood meet

Part of the many projects underway to improve life in the Quatre Chemins district of Pantin, the Sheds were inaugurated by the town’s mayor, Bertrand Kern on June 8th.


Former spinning factories of the Cartier Bresson family created in 1859, this site has known various occupations since the end of its activity in 1960, before becoming this magnificent place devoted to artistic creation and early childhood, combining the reception of artists in residence and temporary exhibitions, childcare center and a place of reception for childminders.


A responsible rehabilitation project, composing with the “already there”, carried out by Maud Caubet Architectes.


Read the full article in the Journal du Grand Paris


Les Grandes Idées are growing up and welcome Ondine Murat

Interested in CSR subjects, Ondine likes to write in favor values which inspired her. Following a cursus in political science and law, she decided to focus on communication, because she does have a profound interest for this universe, and she is undeniably curious. From writing of editorial content to media strategy, this graduated from Neoma Business School earns a huge taste for news and transversal subjects.

Convinced that communication plays a social role, Ondine was hoping to be part of a human-scale company, that contributes to shape the world of tomorrow, after two years in another agency. That is done! Welcome to Ondine and we may wish that your arrival gives us the opportunity to grow further for great ideas!


Rocky Pop x Extendam, more than an hotel

During the 1st lockdown in France, Romain Trollet noted that hospitality needs to be more agile and to diversify its sources of income. The idea of more hybrid and flexible hotels grows. These hotels should stand in a constant evolution according to the neighborhood where it is established. Reinforced by the feeling that the unusual and easy to reach RockyPop’s concept is a great mix for clients, Romain Trollet decided to duplicate its new art of living together beyond the mountains. Since 2020, EXTENDAM supports the launch of RockyPop. Jean-Marc Palhon and Romain Trollet replied to an rock and pop interview for Hospitality On.

Watch the complete interview


Ecological transition : the great new path of employment market

How can we realign employment industry to serve ecological and social transition to make it attractive to young recruits? A Yougov study, realized for Monster job board in 2021, estimates that 78 % of young people between 18 and 24 would like to work in a meaningful environment. Moreover, 42 % of young persons questioned in a recent inquiry lead by Audencia Positive Impact research chair, declares that they have already operated a professional change to work with values they embrace.

What are real solutions to implement to adapt the employment market to CSR issues?

The Manifest for a Tomorrow Economy, initiated by Mouvement Impact France, suggests that tax policies, public aid and investment could realigned to an ecological and social competitiveness.

Read the opinion editorial on La Tribune 


L’Hôtellerie Restauration draws Younight Hospitality’ portrait

While the firm of hospitality management from Vicartem just launched, L’Hôtellerie Restauration sets the portrait of Younight Hospitality thanks to an interview of Romain Gowhari. “Younight Hospitality has been founded with the strong will to ally hotel industry know-how and real estate investment expertise”, explains the CEO. That is why Younight Hospitality answers to various objectives in terms of hospitality projects and conception, refurbishment, management or in property value optimization and convey a significant support for the group.

Read the complete article on L’Hôtellerie Restauration


Being committed to environment transition, a winning bet for companies, but be careful about greenwashing !

75 % of French are suspicious concerning the reality of social, environmental commitment of companies and vote for one and only clue to measure offer of services according to Harris Interactive, leaded by Mouvement Impact France last February.

To do transparency and credibility of companies’ involvement, a rule could be accelerated from transition to a real responsive economy.

Find the full article on Ouest France


[BONI.D] Creating an intergenerational link and practicing French thanks to ShareAmi

ShareAmi is a project created in May 2020 by the Oldyssey organization, in order to preserve social ties around a simple idea: to allow young people who wish to practice French to progress by putting them in contact with seniors living in France to converse in videoconference.


Indeed, in a context of health crisis, seniors have found themselves particularly isolated while students, refugees and migrants have seen their French lessons or language exchanges cancelled.


ShareAmi thus makes it possible to virtually meet each duo who will then call each other every week. An organization with three objectives, since it makes it possible to create links between generations and cultures, to promote transmission and to learn about digital technology.


A great solidarity initiative!


Discover ShareAmi


[BONI.D] Encouraging people to move forward with Wake Up Café

Prison chaplain for 7 years, Clotilde Gilbert notices the desocialization and dehumanization caused by confinement. A break that has an impact on the release of prisoners who will have to find a social and professional life.


For 5 years, she directed a choir there and never ceased to promote art and culture among prisoners. Seeing the positive impacts of her workshops (openness to others, energy, self-confidence), she created Wake Up Café with the desire to support prisoners from their detention until their reintegration into society once released. Wake Up Café thus offers creative and artistic workshops, as well as a reintegration program to inspire inmates and ex-inmates to move forward, to change the way they look at themselves as well as the way society looks at them!


Discover Wake Up Café


Promoting hotel heritage with Younight Hospitality

For twenty years, Vicartem’s creations have had in common exceptional places with sublimated decoration in the heart of cities. The group of Céline and Sébastien Meslin has just created its subsidiary in hotel management, Younight hospitality with their partner Romain Gowhari.


Its target: the acquisition of establishments for the group or hotel owners such as mixed operations, with 50 to 100 rooms in the city centers of regional cities or on the coast. Younight Hospitality then enables its customers to position their establishments to make the most of hotel investment while freeing them from operating constraints and ensuring recurring revenue.


Read the full article on La Tribune de l’Hôtellerie