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Le 18.11.22
Don’t miss the 10th edition of Les Puces de l’Illu!

The first contemporary illustration festival in France will celebrate its 10th edition on December 3rd, 2022! Les Puces de l’Illu takes this opportunity to organize conferences giving the floor to passionate people, initiation workshops sessions and exhibitions transporting in the universe of each and everyone.

This year, the festival wishes to promote the practice of contemporary illustration among young audiences and offers a dedicated workshop space, led by Le Musée en Herbe. A space dedicated to press illustration is also being created in order to address the place of illustration in the processing of information. A round table “What is press illustration? », moderated by Luce Mondor, will take place at the heart of the program.

Tattoo workshops, exhibitions, events and conferences on various themes will also take place in order to see contemporary illustration in all its colours!

See you on December 3rd and December 4th !


Read the full article on Artistik rezo

Le 15.11.22
The Unison(s) Movement calls for reinventing architecture to accelerate the low carbon transition

In its November issue, Business Immo publishes a column from Unison(s) Movement calling to reinvent architecture and revisit our relationship to resources, as well as to the living. While many positive developments are being developed, they are not yet the subject of a common writing. It is therefore essential to design architecture basis to face new challenges and propose a new culture to be shared. The architecture must synthesize constructive solutions which does not represent only a sum of data but a subtly harmonious design, revealing itself in a new thought. Today, the challenge consists in bringing together these solutions, these architects, designers and landscapers’ experiences who are already showing creativity, to draw an operational path towards carbon neutrality.


Find the full forum on Business Immo

Le 15.11.22
Hotel private equity, a resilient niche during inflation times

Private equity has currently a real card to play in the transformation of real estate. Ecological transition and evolution of demand are leading to a profound sector’s restructuring. Private equity players are now also turning to hotels, a type of asset that is more resilient in times of inflation and rising rates.

Leading private equity player in the European hotel industry, Jean-Marc Palhon, Chairman of EXTENDAM, answered questions from Capital Finance.


Find his full interview on Les Echos Capital Finance