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Le 15.10.20
Aymeric Oudin appointed as a Deputy Chief Executive Officer of EXTENDAM

Aymeric Oudin joined the EXTENDAM management team as a Deputy Chief Executive Officer in October 2020. The asset management company is the European leader of  private equity in the hotel industry and thus adds a new string to its bow for its strategy  management, for the development of the firm and the deployment of its institutional partnerships in France and Europe.

Le 06.10.20
[BONI.D] Shine Back: the backpack that makes cycling and urban life easier

Angèle Radjagobal dreamed of creating a company that encourages the use of bikes. And it’s done! Since September 15, the French Soundary Cycle brand has released its new backpack that make life easier for cyclists and pedestrians! Resistant, reflective, sustainable, fixable, unisex… this innovative backpack combines qualities and uses. With its unique design, simple and efficient clips and ergonomic storage, the new Soundary Cycle bag is a great innovation that promotes ecomobility with style.


Le 30.09.20
Les Grandes Idées organises Domaines & événements’ PR Launch !
Les Grandes Idées is glad to organise the PR  launch of Domaines & Evénements.  First domain management company, Domaines & Evénements offers a collection of event venues with a strong natural and historical heritage. Its motto: Unite & Reunite! Domaines & Evénements’ team is made up of a dozen intrapreneurs with expertise in venue management, events and services, gathered around the three complementary founders of the brand: Nicolas Tommasini, Geoffroy Perdon and Colas Guyonnaud.