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Le 27.07.20
[BONI.D] Les Alchimistes: compost to fight climate change
In France, the amount of waste we produce has doubled since 1960. Yet more than 90% of food waste is not recycled. It is this assessment that made Les Alchimistes decide to act. Since its founding in 2016, Les Alchimistes’s ambition consist in reintegrating 10% of food waste into a virtuous cycle through composting. Its offer is adapted to all profiles (professionals, local authorities or individuals) whether for waste collection or the sale of this ultra rich in organic matter Super Compost. Circular, local and waste-fighting economy, Les Alchimistes have got it all figured out. Discover their project here
Le 26.07.20
Driven by the regions, the hotel industry recovery is taking shape
Although it is still far from its cruising speed, the hotel sector recorded a recovery of activity in June, according to the 5th edition of the monthly EXTENDAM barometer, analysing the Covid-19 impact on business hotel industry in Europe.
“Hotels activity was better in June than in previous months and there was real growth over the last ten days of June. This trend seems to be ongoing in July. However, it is important to distinguish Paris from the rest of France, since the regional markets, secondary cities and the Parisian periphery are doing rather well, while the capital’s hotels owners are struggling more,” explains Vianney Lautrous, Head of Asset Management for EXTENDAM.
Find on Business Immo all the results of the EXTENDAM Barometer updated on July, 15 along with interviews of Ghislaine Collinet, Secretary General of SNCF and Xavier Zeitoun, CEO of Zenchef.
Le 20.07.20
Changemakers Times #10: a renewal of participative democracy

“Democracy is a muscle that needs to be trained daily to be effective”.

A platform for  space and collective life co-construction, Fluicity is a socially useful solidarity company founded in 2015 by Julie de Pimodan. The objective of this civic tech player? To improve democracy at a local scale. First a journalist in the Middle East during the Arab Springs, then a Google employee, Julie de Pimodan founded Fluicity in 2015 and offers a societal innovation that could change the way we approach politics and collective interest development.

Julie answered Les Grandes Idées in a new #ChangemakersTimes interview