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Le 16.07.20
Find Maud Caubet in the summer special issue of La Tribune
“Let’s go back to simplicity, to housing as a multi-purpose shelter that evolves and changes following days, seasons and external events” suggests Maud Caubet.
Culture, finance, politics, industry, architecture, city planning… no sector is forgotten in “Reinventing France”, the special summer issue of La Tribune. Maud Caubet shared in this article her vision of architecture and urban planning.
Le 15.07.20
A differentiated recovery of activity for the different segments of the hotel industry
“All the sector players have been in the starting blocks for two months and have increased their energy, innovative strength and solidarity to prepare for an optimal recovery”.
Jean-Marc Palhon, Chairman of EXTENDAM, the European leading private equity firm in the business hotel industry, speaks for Forbes on the sector’s recovery and the outlook for investment. In this forum, he underlines the gap in takeovers between segments, with the business hotel industry once again demonstrating its greater resilience. Back to his full opinion editorial.
Le 13.07.20
Thinking the world of tomorrow with architecture: an opinion editorial by Maud Caubet in Immoweek

“We have the ability to change when we are in a hurry. The global response to a pandemic has demonstrated this strength. Let us draw a great lesson of humility from this”, Maud Caubet wrote.

What will tomorrow’s world be made of? Architecture offers solutions for a more sustainable and caring world. In Immoweek, Maud Caubet shares her vision of the past to better define the present and call for architecture to take part in the debate and take action to ensure the future.

An inspiring point of view to be found here.