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Le 16.09.20
Make yesterday’s resources, today’s buildings

On September 16, 2020 was launched one of the biggest initiative for the circular economy: The Booster du Réemploi. More than 30 major real estate, investment, insurance and construction companies committed to decisively and concretly boost reuse in France.

Les Grandes Idées is really pleased to have created the Booster du Réemploi’s identity with Jérémy Vince and to currently support its great team to develop this identity on the brand’s social networks, brochure and the hub’s digital plateform.

Le 14.09.20
The FCPR HOTELS SELECTION EUROPE N°3 awarded by the Victoires de la Pierre Papier’s jury

The FCPR Hôtels Sélection Europe n°3 is an investment solution allowing diversification into a particularly resilient sector: the European business hotel industry. This fund will be made up of around ten shareholdings in Europe, meeting a high level of ESG criteria. This targeted positioning earned them the Victoire de la Pierre-Papier (Gestion de Fortune) award in the “Real Estate Private Equity” category.


Extendam has once again proven its strategy’s relevance in a sector where numerous opportunities are emerging!
Le 11.09.20
Changemakers #11: Spreading the use of bio-based materials
The aim is to help the profession players to move towards other types of materials such as bio-sourced materials, which are more in line with major ecological and social issues nowadays“, Virginie Gautier says.
As a design office with expertise in biosourced materials, Karibati is determined to change the uses in the building industry. Its objective is clear: to reduce the environmental impact of the construction sector through the development of bio-sourced materials. A mission of general interest and a unique corporate philosophy to be discovered in this new Changemakers Times interview. Virginie Gautier, head of development at Karibati answered our questions!