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Le 07.09.20
Investment opportunities in the hotel industry in times of crisis
While Asian and American customers will not come back in Europe for several months, even several years, while travel remains limited by health restrictions and remote work often remains the norm, the cards are being reshuffled between players in the tourism market. First to rebound, the economic business hotel sector is once again proving its resilience.
Jean-Marc Palhon, Chairman of EXTENDAM explains: “Two or even three-star hotels, between 50 and 120 euros per night, have quickly seen executives and sales agents compelled to go back to work. More than 80% of this clients is domestic customers. They are actually less dependent on international and tourism customers, the economic category of business hotel industry offers an interesting resilience in the context we know”.
In full development before the health crisis, the sector has seen its transformation amplified. Changes in customer behaviours and new trends are leading the sector to diversify both geographically and functionally. As a key player in the city, the hotel is opening up to new uses.
Find the complete article of Elisa Nolet and Jean-Marc Palhon’s interview in the currently distributed Investissement Conseils issue.
Le 03.09.20
[BONI.D] Coiffeurs Justes : hair, bio-sourced materials with unsuspected properties

Did you know the Amoco Cadiz sank off the coast of Brittany (1978) or the bulk carrier Wakashio off the coast of Mauritius (2020), hair was used to absorb some of the oil spilt in the waters ?

Insulating, resistant, fertilising, biosorbent, cut hair has many interesting properties. It is a waste produced in increasing quantities and which is currently largely unexploited.

Founded in 2015, Coiffeurs Justes is an association from the Var region in France.  Its ambition :  recover and recycle this organic material by uniting professionals and rising awareness of this sustainable practice among them. Thanks to a simple bag, the association helps hair collection, storage and transportation to structures where it can be processed. Fertilizers, oil filters, thermal and phonic insulators… uses are numerous and promising ! Coiffeurs Justes, a project to explore here
Le 21.08.20
What do we do for tomorrow?
“What is our project for humanity? I am sure we are able to adapt to climate change and go over short-term parameters, but now we need the intelligence of will at every level of our society”.
During the national lock down, the Pavillon de l’Arsenal, launched the forum “What do we do for tomorrow ?” to think together about what the world will be made of after the Covis-19 worldwide experience. Coupled with an exhibition, the forum brings together more than 195 tribunes, poems, drawings, experimental writing by architects, city planners, real estate developers, engineers… Including the architect Maud Caubet. She shared there her vision of the city, thus of life, in a great op-ed currently exhibited at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal.
Discover it at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal or to thanks to the online forum with all the other inputs.