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Le 10.06.20
What prospects does the hotel sector offer investors?

Jean-Marc Palhon talked with Mathilde Hodouin of the Courrier Financier the recovery of the hotel business in this period of lockdown lifting. At the climax of the health crisis, the business hotel industry has come to a complete standstill. The Chairman of EXTENDAM, the European leader in business hotel private equity, now shares with us the scenarii for the coming months in the sector in France and Europe.


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Le 08.06.20
Changemakers Times #9: facing COVID-19, taking collective action
“I live this experience as an enriching and positive period that helps to put the notion of usefulness back into everyday life. It even impacts the way I look upon my work on a daily basis”.

Anna Perehinec is in charge of urban projects for a large real estate group. A position of responsibility, focused on urban, ecological and social transition. When the health crisis linked to Covid-19 broke out, she did not hesitate to get involved as a volunteer with the Hospitals of Paris organization to work as closely as possible with nursing staffs and patients. Working with IMOTHEP and COVISAN associations, Anna tells us about her involvement in this unprecedented and strange period. She shares with us how volunteering changed her vision of life and the meaning of our daily lives.


Le 27.05.20
“There’s a furious desire to go back to work and deal with this virus one way or another”

Jean-Marc Palhon, chairman of EXTENDAM,  was interviewed by the CEO of MKG Group, Vanguelis Panayotis. Together, they drew up a comprehensive review of the situation and prospects for the recovery of the hotel sector in this video Hospitality On, a specialist in the hotel and tourism sector in France and abroad,  broadcasted a few days ago.