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Le 27.04.20
[BONI.D] Message in a bottle : understood !

10 outdoor sports athletes, a waste sorting centre. This is all that freeskier Mathieu Navillod and photographer Dom Daher needed to carry out this punchy journalistic photo project.

The “A Bottle in the Sea” report shows spectacularly staged pictures of athletes practicing their sport amidst all kinds of waste. Shocking images that argue in favour of the quick implementation of large-scale environmental acts. All of the duo’s shots go in pairs: problem and solution. More than an alarm raise, they show us that the solutions are there and are just waiting to be deployed in a large scale.


A message in a bottle which must find a maximum of recipients (and which is already on the right track).

To admire the project and learn more about the solutions it is this way

Le 26.04.20
Tribute to Jean-Philippe Ruggieri

We would like to pay tribute to Jean-Philippe Ruggieri. His teams, his partners and all the players of the real estate sector liked him for his professionalism and his humanity. A man whom we had the pleasure of getting to know better during a great joint work with L’Avenir en Héritage team in the Athletes’ Village competition. All our thoughts are with his family and the beautiful Nexity team.

Le 21.04.20
Impact of Covid-19 on the hotel industry in France and Europe?

In order to answer precisely and more broadly to the questions on the state of health of the sector, EXTENDAM set up an indicator allowing to measure and follow the impacts of Covid-19 on the business hotel industry on March 13th, 2020, and shared its first observations. In partnership with InExtenso/STR, E-Axess-Spot Pilot, Api & You, Adaptel, Zenchef, Deutsche Bank, the management company now shares the results of the indicator, updated to April 15th, 2020. This indicator is updated and shared on a regular basis.