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Le 23.02.20
The hotel industry, at the very heart of our mutations

Ways of working, eating, consuming more sustainably, taking a break … In constant evolution, the hotel and restaurant sector is often a very good thermometer of changes in society. He must therefore anticipate and feel the beginnings of new and sustainable trends as the first signs of the change in our lifestyles. In this sense, the sector holds great power as well as a great leadership role. But what will be the hotel of tomorrow? What will be the next most significant developments in the sector? Find the op-ed of Jean-Marc Palhon, Chairman of EXTENDAM, on Forbes.fr to answer these questions.

Le 05.02.20
Maud Caubet at the Ener-J Meeting 2020
On February 6, Maud Caubet will take part to the fourth edition of Ener-J Meeting at the Palais Brongniart, an event focusing on the building energy and environmental efficiency, under the high patronage of Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Républic. Stressing the importance of an architecture taking actively part to the energy transition, Maud Caubet will present in particular the LiVE project, a living urban connector.
Registration for the event: http://bit.ly/2ZMU021
Le 04.02.20
[BONI.D] KOOVEE, the edible and responsible cover
This month, Les Grandes Idées tell you about Koovee, a project that is revolutionizing tableware! Rather than multiplying plastic forks and spoons, real wounds for the environment, Tiphaine Guérout imagined at the end of 2017 a gourmet and innovative solution. What is her idea ? Make completely edible and eco-friendly cutlery, based on vegetable oil and wheat flour! A very good ecological idea which earned him the trophy of the Entrepreneur responsible for the IGS training group.
To order your own cutlery directly, save the planet and avoid washing up, it’s here: http://bit.ly/2QlCcId