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Le 11.01.23
Unisson(s) movement presents its first ideas for a low-carbon and living architecture

Unisson(s) movement has chosen to meet in the exceptional place of the Architecture to present the work of a first design thinking workshop that took place last November. Indeed, if awareness has spread in recent years, issues on the real implementation of measures in favor of low carbon remain. To try to answer this questions, Unisson(s) movement brought together players from design, construction, planning, landscaping and industry during a first brainstorming session on November 16.

Among the first conclusions of this workshop, we observe a real desire to integrate the RE2020 challenges in a holistic approach and to systematize the calculation of the carbon weight of the project.


Find the details of this restitution in the Journal du Grand Paris

Le 10.01.23
[BONI.D] A new life for glasses thanks to Zac!

Since 2019, Zac has saved several thousand glasses. Founded in 2019 by Ophélie Vanbremeersch, the company recovers eyeglass frames to recondition them. Its objective: to offer eco-responsible glasses, at a lower cost and with a strong social impact!

Today, Zac promotes social inclusion by working with AlterEOS and entrusting the refurbishment of glasses to people with disabilities. Each recovered frame is inspected and then sorted according to its condition: 40% of the glasses are reconditioned, 30% are donated to humanitarian missions and the remaining percentage is used to train people working at Zac.


Discover Zac

Le 09.01.23
10 years of contemporary art book in L’Alsace spotlight

For the 10th edition of les puces de l’illu, organized on December 3rd and 4th, Campus Fonderie de l’Image published a book retracing 10 years of contemporary art. Illustrators, drawers, graphic designers, publishing houses, passionated expert cross path with their thoughts on illustration and highlight the abundand nature of this practice that decompartemntalizes art.

L’Alsace wrote a great article on this book to give a voice to numerous artists educated at Strasbourg.

Go on L’Alsace website to discover the portrait of this collective adventure