Author: lgi

Sustainable tourism: EXTENDAM and Betterfly Tourism sign a partnership to accelerate the environmental and social transition of the hotel industry

Bertrand Pullès, EXTENDAM’s Deputy Managing Director explains “EXTENDAM is willing to contribute to the environmental transition of the hotel industry. Betterfly Tourism not only allows each player in the tourism industry to calculate their environmental footprint but reduce their impact over time“.
EXTENDAM has signed a partnership with Betterfly Tourism to help its hotel partners to reduce their environmental impact and take into account social and governmental criteria in their development. One more step towards a more responsible and sustainable tourism.

[BONI.D] Who said that house-sharing was only for young people?

From Maori, Loki Ora means “living together”.  Loki Ora association is rethinking the way seniors live. Solidarity, cooperation, sharing… what if living with roommates were the solution to the needs arising with ageing? By putting well ageing at the heart of its project, Loki Ora offers an original and very complete solution that outlines a new way of approaching living after 60. What if our senior years were like our 20s? At Les Grandes Idées we love the project !

Slight drop before the rebound in the hotel industry

Vianney Lautrous, EXTENDAM’s Investment Manager in charge of the Barometer explained “The month of May suggests better results than the previous months and the coming season should be at least as good as 2020 Summer time”.
While the sector’s performance has tended to improve in recent months, April marked a further slowdown in activity in France. However, the sector is beginning to rebound and a good dynamic has been confirmed since the end of April.
Find the detailed results of the EXTENDAM Barometer as of the 15th of May 2021, in partnership with Business Immo.

Ahooga Bike, in the spotlight of

These light, foldable and trendy electric bikes are featured on the news website on the occasion of the opening of their first dedicated shop in Paris. The Belgian bikes are entirely produced in Europe and you can now test them at 96 du boulevard Beaumarchais!


Read the complete news here 


Spotlight on the Impact Score Index in AEF

We need ambitious public policies to support companies,” says Eva Sadoun, co-president of Impact France. On the 28th of May, the Mouvement Impact France presented the Impact Score at the Change Now fair and called for an even more proactive policy in the field of the Impact Economy.


A report by Ioana Doklean for AEF


New profiles at EXTENDAM

The leading European hotel private equity firm is once again expanding its team with the appointment of Verena Kuhn as Head of Legal Affairs.

Anna Cohen has been promoted from Investment Manager to Partner.


To know more about their career


Come and test Ahooga bikes in the first Parisian shop dedicated to the brand

On May, 14th, the young Belgian brand opened the doors of its first 100 % Ahooga Parisian boutique at 96 boulevard Beaumarchais. Parisians can now discover, test and buy the whole range of these very light, foldable and electric bikes, with such a trendy look.


Book your bike test session  


See you on May, 29th for the official opening of the shop! The team has a special programme in store for you with artistic performances by Philomène Le Lay, an exhibition, a demonstration and a test ride of Ahooga bikes!


[BONI.D] Climbing as a means of social and professional inclusion with Amassa Climb

Reinsertion through climbing thanks to human, ethical and ecological values that this sport activity conveys, these are the missions that the Occitan association Amassa Climb has set to itself. Founded by Mathilde Becerra, double French champion of difficulty climbing, the association demonstrates how climbing allows us to gain self-confidence, to overcome our fears and preconceived ideas about our own bodies and how it compels us to trust each others. Thanks to a combination of unique indoor and outdoor activities, the association supports life projects and personal and professional development. A tonic idea that we applaud at Les Grandes Idées !