Virginie Gautier
The aim is to help the profession players to move towards other types of materials such as bio-sourced materials, which are more in line with major ecological and social issues nowadays.
A way to discover changemakers whose approaches and practices inspire (all of) us.
The aim is to help the profession players to move towards other types of materials such as bio-sourced materials, which are more in line with major ecological and social issues nowadays.
“In an increasingly complex world from social, environmental and health points of view, our ability to work together and to find common solutions has become essential.”
“I live this as an enriching and positive experience that allows me to put the notion of usefulness back into everyday life.”
“There is a before Covid-19 and there will be a after Covid-19. And this post-Covid-19 will be different in the way we apprehend relationships, our working approach, our way of going for the essential and of committing ourselves.”
“There is an evolution, a transition is taking place in the field of wood construction. It is really becoming a topic of interest. The players are ready to get involved and it is the right time!”
“Our objective is to set up a circular economy with adapted and local solutions for each store.”